Imagine to eat a burger sandwich in a linear manner…. what!?
Well you might start with the lettuce then the tomato followed by the onion then the meat and finally the bread. Sounds weird … hold that thought or keep it in mind.
Or you might want to eat the burger sandwich in a harmonic way, then you get a bit of everything at the same time… not so weird but the way we actually most of us would do it.
Rhythm in music like in all endeavors is a Harmonic event but we have, in the modern world, made a construct of it that is Linear. So what is Harmonic rhythm!? Well it is the natural way in which it manifests.
Rhythm is this conglomerate of frequencies in Pulse and many other ranges. A pulse has its basic downbeat and upbeat then it generates a second frequency which is a harmonic of the first. So now we have 2 then 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on and they happen all at the same time.
Ethnic music from natural musicians, meaning people that play music without formal training at all, will always play harmonically because that is the way things are in nature. Somehow humans using their intellect have rationalized it into a linear construct and this book FROM LINEAR TO HARMONIC the book will take you to the source from the construct in a very simple and direct way.
Most musicians today will try to play ethnic styles of music but will never get even close to representing the real thing because their model is not correct is the not the right language so to speak.
Linear math like algebra is a linear construct of a harmonic event and it kind of works but it always fall short. The real math is harmonically based.
Imagine talking in a harmonic way if you cold say a whole sentence or a whole book or thought with one sound. A bit difficult so it is understanding something with the wrong model or language.
Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry etc. are different type of math and the idea is to incorporate all into one.
In music if you have the right perspective then you could see how all the events align but with a linear perspective this is not possible. This book gives you the one perspective that is all encompassing to see how all the frequencies work in conjunction to give you the sound of music that you perceive as a style because music is a prejudice point of view of RHYTHM of a certain group of people or culture. Anything that you call music is a point of view of an underlying pattern of events which are always related at the pulse level of frequency where there are also pitches that are related in rhythmic patterns.
Pulse is most fundamental to music and pitch is secondary but today we see pulse as secondary to pitch.
More to come….